So Who is Fucking Pumped for the Triumphant Return of Brendan Frasier!? Brendan Frasier is the star in two new box office scorchers; the first is the Third installment of the fantastic, critically acclaimed Mummy remake franchise which he costars with Jet Li, who is a natural pick for the Egyptian setting of the story. I am really really glad they made a third Mummy movie; I think America needs it now more than ever. With the slew of shit Hollywood has thrown at us the past couple of years, a third Mummy movie really is a breath of fresh air! I remember when they first decided that they were going to remake the original mummy. I got a little upset, but when I heard that the star of ‘Monkey Bone’ and ‘George of the Jungle’ was going to be the dashing male lead, my anger morphed into joy of the purest form. When I first saw Brendan Frasier fight CGI mummies in a lush Egyptian setting courtesy of a green screen (Egypt was being used at the time), I realized why I go to the movies in the first place. It put the ‘force’ in “tour-de-force”. It was a film truly worth the Nine Dollars and Fifty Cents, every penny of it. After charming audiences and critics alike worldwide (obtained an impressive 53% on rotten tomatoes), the logical next step was to make a sequel: ‘The Mummy Returns’ (43% on rotten tomatoes), which turned out to be an equally delicious magnum opus to add to the grand pantheon of film classics as our boy Brendan Frasier, (star of Dudley Do-Right) turned in the performance of our generation, being robbed of the Oscar for about the ninth time (They did however make a roller coaster ride based on the film). Not since Paul Walker in the first installment of the Fast and Furious franchise have we seen acting of such high caliber. America demanded a third Mummy movie, and what America wants, America gets. And next week the handsome leading man from ‘Looney Tunes: Back in Action’ will finally return to give us what we have all been begging so hard for, The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Let’s face it, America is addicted to the Mummy films, because everything Frasier touches turns to gold. What do you think the Scorpion King could have been with him. Imagine, if you can, what the film ‘Dickey Roberts: Former Child Star’ would have been without a Frasier cameo: Garbage, probably. But if you think that just by starring in a sequel of a sequel of a remake isn’t enough to call it a comeback, then consider the fact that he is also starring in another remake (Journey to the Center of the Earth) with possible sequel ramifications both slated to appear in theaters at the same time. Never before in film history has an actor starred in two films simultaneously in theaters where he fights CGI Dragons in both films. And they said Brendan Frasier couldn’t break new ground, HA! So if you are looking for a great way to blow $19 this summer, check out Brendan Frasier in two of the most important films of our time. You never know, it might even be enough to get people to shut the fuck up about the dark knight, and Heath Ledger. Because lets face the facts, when it comes to Brendan Frasier, he buries the competition.