They are writer's block and laziness, but mainly just laziness. It's about 93% due to laziness. Of course i could just go out on a limb and blame it on ADD, for which i did not pick up a medication refill. Which was also due to laziness...but where is this all going?
If you guessed a life of failure and untapped potential, then you may only be half right. Trust in me dear friends as i will "tap" into that potential even if it requires selling out and stabbing everyone in the back. My future agent will be my only friend, and of course the devil, and any friend of the devil is a friend of mine, so i, myself, will also be my friend. But i'll be happy! I'll have so much fucking money i'll buy happiness for everyone I ever meet!
Speak or Speaking (of the Devil), i thought it would be intresting to come up with six degrees of seperation between George W. Bush and the Devil himself. When i started working on it, however, i was able to link it up in about two to three degrees. Thats no fun, and everyone is sick of people (especially me) droning on for hours about politics they can't (in theory) do anything about. So i decieded to do six degrees of seperation between George W. Bush and Satan visually, using pictures. enjoy.
George W. Bush

4. Thom Yorke

5. Vincent van Gogh

6. Paul Mitchell
